Offering a meal


The address is: 405 Hazlitt Creek Rd, Victoria, BC V9E 2A3. You are welcome to park for a short time in front of the Kitchen/Sanctuary to drop off food. Otherwise, please park in the main parking lot and walk up the hill to the Kitchen/Sanctuary building.

On weekdays, please arrive between 8-8:15AM.
On weekends, please arrive between 9-9:15AM.

Dietary requirements:

Taan Ajaan Geoff needs to eat a lot of protein, but avoids fish, chicken & soy, for health reasons. He is limited to eating pork and eggs for protein. Soft cheeses are okay.

Taan Mike is allergic to soy bean and almonds.

It's best to bring everything with you to serve the meal although there are pots/pans for warming and some basic utensils. All food is served at once and only offered one time.


If you're unable to offer food in-person but are inspired to give, you can help purchase food items for a meal. Email for more info.