COVID-19 Safety Protocols
for Day Visitors & Overnight Guests
Depending on the emerging and changing state of COVID-19, these requirements may change.
Please be in touch with us by email if you have any questions.
We ask that you self-isolate as best you can for 3 days prior to your arrival at the monastery. For example, plan your activities and your travel plans so that you minimize contact with others.
For those travelling by air, in addition to the above, please stay at another dwelling the day of your arrival, and come to the monastery the next day.
Please reschedule your visit if within 14 days prior to your visit, you or anyone you have close contact with had any in-person contact of any kind with a person who is presumed or confirmed to have an active case of COVID-19.
Please reschedule your visit if you are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms including but not limited to fever, new onset of cough, sore-throat, difficulty breathing, chills, unexplained fatigue or malaise, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, worsening chronic cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, new loss or decrease in sense of taste or smell, muscle ache, loss of appetite or headache.
Rapid Antigen Tests
We require that you take a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) on the morning of the day you intend to arrive at the monastery.
For those travelling by air, we require that you take a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) for the first 3 days of your stay at the monastery.
RAT kits will be available in the porch area outside of the Sanctuary building for those who have not yet taken a test.
If you test positive, please do not come to or stay at the monastery.
If you begin to experience symptoms while a guest at the monastery, please test yourself and self-isolate by staying away from others. We will assist you to receive food until it's clear you can stay or need to depart.
Vaccination Status
We do not require proof of vaccination.We recommend that all visitors be vaccinated and boosted. Out of country guests will need to follow Canadian government requirements. Foreign visitors, please check the requirements for returning to your home country.
When you are in enclosed spaces, we require that you wear a KN95 or N95 mask. Enclosed spaces are: The Kitchen/Sanctuary building and hallways in the Main house where the bedrooms and dorm room are located. Please also wear a mask when you are outside and need to be in close proximity to others.
Guests staying in the Dorm will not be required to wear masks while in the Dorm. Guests staying in the Dorm accept greater risk of COVID-19 transmission.
There is a small covered area outside of the Sanctuary for those wishing to meditate outside.
There is a deck outside of the Dining Room area for those wishing to eat outside. It is your choice to wear a mask while eating in the dining room (cover up while chewing).
Aranya Refuge will supply masks for those who do not have a mask.
Please keep 2 meters (6 feet) from each other when meditating or working alongside another person. Or feel free to sit outside when eating your meal, meditating, or engaged in Kitchen prep work.
We will limit the number of participants in the Dining Hall and Meditation Hall to ensure adequate spacing.
Overnight guests who have agreed to stay in the Dorm accept that there is greater risk of COVID-19 transmission.
Air Filters and C02 Monitors
Air filters will be available in enclosed spaces such as the Dorm, Kitchen, Sanctuary. We will also have C02 monitors to help assess ventilation quality.
Hand Washing
Washing your hands often and practicing good hand hygiene will reduce the chances of getting or spreading germs like the COVID-19.
Clean common areas after use. Cleaning supplies will be provided. For example, indoor showers, sinks and toilets. Use hand sanitizer supplied when using the Outdoor toilets. Clean the toilet lid and door handles after each use.
Quarantine Protocols
Guests are responsible for finding appropriate accommodation should you become ill while staying at the monastery.
Some hotels in the Victoria, BC area have quarantine provisions for visitors with COVID-19. Here are some suggested hotels for you to consider:
Accent Inns Victoria: 3233 Maple St, Victoria, B.C.; (250) 475-7500
Hotel Zed Victoria: 3110 Douglas St, Victoria, B.C.; (250) 388-4345
Days Inn Victoria On The Harbour: 427 Belleville Street, Victoria, B.C.; 250-386-3451
Birds of a Feather: Portsmouth Dr, Colwood, B.C.; 250-391-8889
For information about what to do if you think you have COVID-19, click here.