Than Peter and Than Tim from Metta Forest Monastery have arrived for their month-long stay on Vancouver Island. They are residing in a rental property in Metchosin, a half-hour west of Victoria, BC.
The monks are practicing, studying and exploring the forested areas nearby.
Organizers are pleased that the location is working well for the monks.
Ajaan Geoff, abbot of Metta Forest Monastery, named the project, Aranya Refuge. Aranya is the Pali word for wilderness.
From the time of the Buddha, monks lived in secluded wilderness areas and would walk to a village to receive food offered in their bowls. Today, monks continue the tradition of walking alms rounds, although in the West it is more common for lay people to come to the monks with food offerings and other requisites.
A lay practitioner who is bringing food to the monks every Sunday in May said, "This kind of opportunity doesn't come by too often, so I am very happy to do it."
The Buddha encouraged generosity as a foundational practice for achieving peace. We encourage everyone to participate in this joyous and rare opportunity to offer food to the monks.
How to participate:
Saturdays in Victoria arrive by 10:30 am
4013 Magdelin St. (near Shelbourne/Mckenzie)
Bring food to offer to the monks and share with other participants.
Meditation at 12:30 pm followed by Q&A with Than Peter.
Mondays in Metchosin
1295 Boulderpath Road in Metchosin. - off of Happy Valley Road
Arrive at 9:30 am to offer food at 10 am.
Email to receive instructions and to make sure the monks are present.
Tuesdays - Fridays
Arrive at 9:30 am.
Email to pre-arrange offerings with the resident steward.
On some days the monks will not be at the house.
The Aranya Refuge Project relies on financial donations from those who feel inspired to support the monks from Metta Forest Monastery to experience a wilderness retreat. You are welcome to send a cheque or e-transfer. Dana baskets to receive financial contributions are set out at food offerings in Metchosin and Victoria.
We thank everyone for contributing time, food and finances to this noble endeavour.
Aranya Refuge Organizers and Volunteers