Update: New Dates for Our Spring 2024 ‘Monastery for a Month’ – March 18 to April 14, 2024.
Aranya Refuge Monastery for a Month - March 2024
We are excited to announce that Aranya Refuge will have a temporary monastery for the month of March 2024. The monastery will be located at Earthspring Sanctuary, a retreat centre 40 minutes from Victoria, BC. Earthspring provides a wilderness refuge suitable for forest monks and for those wishing to participate in the daily schedule of a Theravada Buddhist monastery.
Taan Ajaan Geoff and Taan Mike were the resident monks at Aranya Refuge’s monastery for a month at Earthspring in November 2022. They found the location was very supportive for their practice.
Ajaan Peter and Taan Will, senior monks from Metta Forest Monastery, will be our monks in residence for March 2024.
Ajaan Peter and Taan Will have been to Vancouver Island for previous month-long visits. Taan Will came for Aranya Refuge’s inaugural month-long visit in May 2018 and Ajaan Peter came for a month-long visit in May 2019. We look forward to their return to Vancouver Island.
The Monastery Experience
The monastery experience is not a scheduled retreat as found at some meditation retreat centers, as a monastery is always in “retreat” mode, where lay visitors join in the daily schedule and follow the Eight Precepts. Please read the Monastery Etiquette and Visitor Guidelines for details.
As well, you can view photos from our successful November 2022 temporary monastery here.
Visiting and Staying at the Monastery
Overnight Guests
We have spaces available for Overnight Guests to stay for one week periods, Monday to Sunday, from March 4 - Mar 30 2024. Accommodation options include single rooms, dorm space, small heated cabins - bed only.
Please apply to be an Overnight Guest here.
Day Visitors
Day Visitors are welcome from March 4 2024 - March 30 2024.
Registered Day Visitors can join the daily schedule, such as offering food in the early morning, engaging in self-directed practice on the grounds, and joining the meditation gatherings.
Please apply to be a Day Visitor here.
Offering Food to the Monks
We welcome anyone who wishes to bring food for the monks. Please email ahead of time for meal planning purposes.
Please email us at registrar@aranyarefuge.org
Anumodana for supporting the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.
Aranya Refuge Board of Directors: Taan Ajaan Geoff, Jacqui Balfour, Brock Brown, Russ Callaghan, June Fukushima, Irfan Pirbhai
Registration Team: Suzan Denis, Cameron Young